Monday, April 27, 2009

A true story

The story that I am about to tell was based on the memories of a boy, a toddler nevertheless who had gone through pain and hardship, thick and thin, rain and shine so please, be grateful for what you have.

One year has 52 weeks or 365 days which is simply put, 8760 hours. You multiply by 60 and you get 525,600 minutes multiply by 60 again you get 31,536,000 seconds. All of this is in one year. That is a long period of time for a person like me to endure and persevere, waiting for that someone to come back to me and lift me up from the ground.

All I heard was “Good-bye, I love you,” and that person left me. That person played a gigantic and important role in my life. That person was the center of my universe, that person gave me joy when I needed it, gave me comfort when I was going through the saddest day of my life. That person was the bright white light in my small, dark, lonely life. Unfortunately that someone was diagnosed with cancer and was predicted to die in a year. That person was my father.

This grave chapter of my life occurred when I was in primary one. My father explored the world scurrying here and there, finding a respectable doctor to treat his incurable disease. Europe, Japan, China, America, these are just some of the countries that my father flocked to locate the perfect doctor.
Meanwhile back home, I never received any news from Dad and Mom. I only got pictures of them touring China, America and other countries. Life was cruel to me. No more going out to eat with Dad. No more car rides with Dad. It was just my grandfather and me alone in the house. I remembered the sleepless nights that I found myself in tears, with no one beside me to console. I cannot seem to picture myself growing up without a father, my father.

Fortunately, he found a suitable doctor closer to home. He was finally cured from cancer and most of all; he is still alive and well. That year I almost lost someone close to me. He literally was staring at death during that year. I was lucky that fate had finally made up to alter the course of my father’s life.

One year has 52 weeks or 365 days which is, simply put, 8760 hours. You multiply by 60 and you get 525,600 minutes multiply by 60 again you get 31,536,000 seconds. All of this is in one year. That year I learned one thing; to live everyday as it was your last and be content of what you have. So next time when you are out spending Daddy’s money, think how much that money could mean to your Dad when he is on his death bed.


  1. hiks...
    I will..
    I almost cried.. I swear.. >,<

  2. True........I am not a spendthrift but now I will even save more money..Very inspiring story..

  3. OMG!
    Are you sure it's true?

    If you're jk.. It's nt funny..

  4. Nice story. And you never know what's fact or fiction with Howie haha. Which means he's an excellent writer.

  5. Its a true story. But I think I need to add more sorrow in it. Do you have any ideas? I'm trying to make a sad story? But this is a true one.

  6. Correction: I'm trying to make a sad story. Please help me.

  7. if being drunk makes you softer, i dont mind you get drunk forever.

  8. hahahahaha funny... that's the reason why i dont wanna show you my handphone.... backstabber...

  9. I think last sentence the 'death' bed make the story a bit more sorrow..

  10. Still not good enough, need to make it more gloomy and dark! Help needed!

  11. Humm... Nice story..Touching and i could already feel the pain. I can understand how you feel. It must be sad without your parents even for a year. I had went through those pains for years and years. It's sad...

  12. The sad thing is not without his parents for 1 year.
    The sad thing is that he knew that his father will survive for only 1 year.
    Correct, Toddler?

  13. Nice story Howie..
    Very touching..
    How If U add when U saw ur father endure the pain?

  14. Obstracles: Yup... sad
    Alfon: Yeah but still needs more work done
    D': How can I tell that my father is enduring the pain when I can't see him for one year?
