Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hearing problems and philosophy thingdos...

You just entered a restaurant, a waiter shows you your seat. You order the dishes and iced tea. Unfortunately, the waiter askes,
Do you want ICE with that tea?

This type of question really gets on my nerves. I mean I already told the waiter that I want ice tea. Can he hear properly? Is it because of a cultural thing? Or people hear need to hear things repeatedly? Well, I do not have the answer to all those questions. But I do know one thing. In order to be successful in life, you must be able to first take instructions.

Students, if you did not hear what your teacher is teaching then how are you supposed to excel in class? (that is you do not have a textbook/or any book relevant to the subject and also assuming that no help can be found.)

Teachers, if you did not heed what the school says how are you maintain your job?

Parents, if you did not listen from the other people about the managing money how are you going to pass on your riches to the following generations.

And the list goes on and on. But to keep it short, listen first then lead later. In life we need to tell, hear and learn.


  1. What do u mean by cultural thing?
    Did u speak in Indonesian or English?

  2. Cultural thing = like using your right hand to do stuff ect, ect.
    I spoke fluently in Indonesian.

  3. What did you say?
    Write in Indonesian. ^^

  4. "Mau minum apa?"
    "Pak, saya minta satu ES teh manis"

    Clear enough for you?

  5. maybe the Pak is not an Indonesian.....

  6. he may be bl*ck but he may not be an indonesian..
    wow i'm so racist.. uahhaha..
    maybe he comes from Lombok.. like alfon..(Lombok is in Indonesia -.-)..

  7. Ah.. I think you say things incorrectly haha

  8. It was a local alright... Not an import.
    For sure.
