Wednesday, April 15, 2009

That special someone...

"If you sit by a fire for a minute, it seemed like an hour. But if you sit with a love for an hour, it seemed like a minute" Albert Einstein.

It seemed that I had been bitten by the love bug or cupid's arrow or what ever you want to call it. No, its not Molly that I am attract to. Its someone - a girl that I do not want to say, to keep the game afoot.

To start with, its sounds kind of cliche but here goes; she was the most beautiful person that I have ever set my eyes on. I felt that time has paused whenever she was in my mind. And whenever I talk to her, the seconds that ticked away seemed like an endless eternity waiting for her reply.

Her intonation, her gentle voice; every single word that came out from her mouth was like listening to a live orchestra - extremely soothing, touching and captivating. Her eyes glistened and sparkled with creativity and imagination. Her face was filled expression and gleaming with enthusiasm and curiosity. Her smooth, black, silky hair often shone under the light.

She is just simply put, hot. Every time she entered a room that I was in, the temperature felt a few degrees higher. She has an aura of peacefulness and "don't worry, its gonna be ok" type of thing. Being with her is indescribable. No words in any language whatsoever can describe the type of feeling I have. No love poem/sayings are noble enough to describe my love towards her. No book is thick enough for me to write how my life meant nothing without her.

My life is like a unfinished jigsaw puzzle - incomplete, not enough, missing one piece. Which was her. But when that missing puzzle piece was joined with the rest, my life would be complete - filled, whole, perfect.

Dear _____, in case if you are reading this, let me tell you that my heart will always be yours. If you fall down, I will be the first person to get you back on your feet. If you cry, I will lend you my shoulder. If you are lonely, I will keep you company even if it means traveling to the ends of the earth. You mean the whole world to me, and I will never let you go...

"She has all the virtues I like and all the vices I admire" Sir Winston Churchill.

If you still can't understand, maybe this song will.


The toddler


  1. What! What! What! Proud, aloof Howie is now a smitten kitten! And he is announcing her presence to the world. Interesting.

    Howie, is she fictional and you're just trying to jerk us around?

  2. It's true story! He told me so..
    If not, I'll be the one who'll give him a piece of my mind..

    You can ask Joseph for an further details..
    He knows everything.. well not all but still..

    Howie: May I know who's ur lover is?
    May I get any hints? Initial name? What grade is she in now?
    I'm really bloody damn curious y know..

    Tell me urself.. k? ^^

    A type like u.. I wonder which type of girl you prefer?

  3. Ah, that my friend is extremely classified. If I tell, then humankind would cease to exist.

  4. no bullshit,howie..
    just tell them..
    her name starts with "D" and ends with 'E'..
    she not an indonesian.
    she's the best in A math and maths..
    she was sean's.....
    she took singapore o level..
    she's in sec4 ruby..

  5. "she not an indonesian"
    she's not..

  6. DEBBIE! Hey it makes sense! hehe.... not bad, not bad at all haha

  7. How can I like Debbie? Her voice is like a mouse squeaking. You can't hear well enough.

    E.g. I am a Singaporean but I talk like a American.

    Clue: She is a Chinese AND speaks English FLUENTLY.

  8. hahaha..
    you admitted that you like her..
    yesterday, during the A math class, Alfon and I were disturbing debbie.. then when i looked at you, it seemed that you were mad.. then you wrote something in your handphone and showed it to us, it was written "KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRL..!!"

  9. It was a bloody song idiot. And I DONT LIKE DEBBIE!!! I LIKE ______! OK!

    The song was from Good Charlotte

  10. I don't think the girl exists.

    If yes, it is Debbie.

  11. Woi, useless talkin to you two! You people never read my comment. I DONT LIKE DEBBIE!!!!

    How long would it take to get it in your head???

  12. We need more information! Is she from SNA? If this person is not indonesian and from SNA, we can narrow it down significantly.

  13. If the girl is not Debbie,
    it must be Tifa..
    but you said that she doesn't like you....
    So, end of conclusion, she must be Teresa, right? She's a chinese and she speaks english FLUENTLY..

  14. I don't like Teresa. End of story. Eh... Why are you naming all the Taiwan students? Their Taiwanese not chinese. But their descendants came from China... Anywho, its not a taiwan ren.

    Btw Jo, who's Tifa? I know Tiffany but I don't remember any "Tifa"...

  15. Chinese as in Chinese ethnicity or chinese national. I don't there are any chinese nationals in SNA. This implies the girl is of another school. bulll, how the hell are we going to determine her identity if that were the case.

  16. "I don't think.." Apologies for the typo error.

  17. Chinese ethnicity, who can speak indo, and english fluently. As for speaking mandarin... I did not asked her yet.

  18. Stupid Howie..
    Asking people to guess the girl which is not from SNA..
    How the hell are we going to find out??

  19. Well the point is not to find out - 2nd paragraph last sentence copy paste it into your bird brain.

  20. Can't you just tell us?
    Why is it so troublesome of you to keep giving us hints but not letting us know?

    Sooner or later you'll give us an answer you know.. It's a matter of time..

    Does this person really exist or is she only your imagination?
    Ppl stress and confused..
    I think you are confused, howie..

    The more you describe her, I feel like she's TOO perfect to be true.. ^^
    Don't you guys think so?

  21. Yeah man! She indeed sounds too good to be true. Like I said in my first post. This girl seems to be fictional. A brilliant ploy by Howie to increase blog traffic and comments lol.

  22. Don't agree, She is a real person 100% human being, last time I checked.

    As you know me, I like to exaggerate things, so if you can pick out the main points i think you can identify her, that is if you've met/known her.

    Clue: she lives in surabaya.

  23. It's according to Howie's eyes.
    You don't know his taste of girls.

  24. Thank you finally I have a supported. Now its two against the whole class.... great

  25. Nope, if he does, the whole class heck, the whole school would know...

  26. Haha.I am dizzy now after reading 27 comments debating about DEBBIE & TERESA.Haha.She is fictional.If she isn't then it can only be Debbie.Yes I agree to that statement.

    If your love is true.Haha, I cant believe I am saying this.If your love is true, just tell us who she is and ask her before its too late.

    But if it is just to increase the gigantic number of comments...I am going to need some tips from you mate...

  27. If I tell, first they want to meet the girl. Then the teasing would start. Then all sorts of sec 4 thingdos would happen. Then kaput. No girl..

  28. HAHA!!!
    u actually predict what will happen?

  29. I can tell, come on. After being with them for three years, they would do all these type of stuff.
