Sunday, May 31, 2009

The ongoing conversation between my mind and my heart.

Mind: So, you've got only a few months to the O's, how's your preparations?

Soul: Well, its getting closer, so I think that I'll kick it up a notch.

Mind: I see. (pauses and takes a breather) I heard that you quite depressed these days.

Soul: Yes, its true, lately I've been down in the dumps.

Mind: And why is that?

Soul: Hm... (sigh) Its 'cuz of this girl.

Mind: Oooo... And how does this girl affect you?

Soul: (immersed into deep thinking) On a day to day basis, due to her I have turned a new leaf. School performance, hmm... it has dropped a bit but not that noticeable.

Mind: Then why are you sad? Does this girl make you depressed? Do you even like the girl?

Soul: Yes I like the girl but its quite complicated to explain.

Mind: I'll try to understand please, pray tell.

Soul: (clears throat) You know that I've only got a couple months here in Surabaya before I go to Singapore.

Mind: Yeah... and???

Soul: I'll put it to you in a nutshell: I have a dilemma (a long pause). I like this girl but if I have a relationship with her it would be quite difficult as I could break her heart as I depart to Singapore. But if I don't have this relationship with this girl then the pain would be a burden to me. Every second that I think about her, its like another ton of sand bag added to my back lengthening my grasp of my goals.

Mind: I've got nothing to say.

Soul: I did a survey and most teenagers told me to do the long distance relationship. But the matured people told me this and I quote"... there are over 6 billion people in this earth. Why do you need to love this girl so much at this early age?"

Mind: Ah... that makes sense... I guess (nod slightly)

Soul: (Deeply sighs) Well, I gotta go study. Catch up with you later.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Family is the people that always looks out for you. Your family would always support you no matter what state you are in. Your friends will not do as much as your family. Your family would go the extra mile just for you. So, given a choice between you and your family, pick your family.

Friends you can pick but family you were put there, like it or not. Friends would pass by but family would stay with you, guiding you the right path, showing you the ropes. You cannot have a best friend forever that is always there for you but your family would always stand firm next to you. This is the true meaning of family.

If you do not understand here is an example: A few years back, my mom was hospitalized in Singapore for 3 months. The first few weeks in the hospital, my mom's friends would visit her and give her some comfort and gifts. But those weeks turned into months and those 'friends' one by one did not show up regularly. It was only my grandmother and my family visiting her every single day for 3 months. Rain or shine, we would always be in the hospital looking after my ill mother.

Still unable to understand let me tell you yet another story: My grandfather had stroke. He is now forced to walk using a walking stick. Life was miserable for my grandfather. Sure the initial months after he was discharged from the hospital was filled with fun. My grandfather going out with his friends to parties and celebrations. But after a year, my grandfather was usually at home, watching old chinese movies. His friends rarely came to my grandfather's house and entertained him.

During times like this, your family is always here for you. Bringing a smile to your face, solving a tough problem, isn't it just great having a family?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lip gloss

Lip gloss to women, is a treasure that they would always have with them on hand. But lip gloss to men, are just a hunk of junk. They do not want to know about it, and they do not want to use it. As fate has it, I had the 'opportunity' to use it for the SNA got talent show.

Apple flavor.... yuck... The taste just would not get off my mouth. Every word I spoke, every time I had a sip of over chlorinated water the apple flavor would just pop in like uninvited guests and destroy the whole party.

Sure lip gloss gives the wet look but it is like a wolf in a sheep clothing. The audience sees it as a complement to the face and the clothes, but in the eyes of the beholder, it just terrible. Well, to me it is.

I just had an epiphany, why do people wear lip gloss when they know the taste is just plain horrible? I guess its just a sacrifice that they take to make themselves look good. I agree a first impression does give you the up side but do you really want to spend the rest of your life with a person that just looks good? That is just plain stupid and so is lip gloss.

Signing off,

The Toddler